
Obstacles in Your Path

In Musings on November 13, 2013 at 12:20 am

Lindsey Stirling is an amazing musician. After watching this video of her at a TEDx event, that was all that I could think. It starts out playing Electric Daisy Violin, but it’s all wrong. The violin is out of tune, and Lindsey knows it. Her usual cheerful persona is nowhere to be found, but she smiles anyway. It was actually hard to watch. She keeps playing, and the song sounds better, but it’s still wrong.

She goes on to talk about her next song, Transcendence. She tells about some of the story behind the song and about the name. Then, with what appears to be fear and trembling, she plays the song. It still isn’t right, it’s different. I have no musical training, so I’m not sure what she did, but it almost sounds like she’s playing a different part. Regardless of what it is she does, she does it on the spot, and it improves the song.

I’ll be honest, it sounds like a bad fan cover video. But I think it is a fantastic example of a great musician. How you react when you are given sub-par equipment or material shows who you are. If you can still scratch out a tune that isn’t necessarily easy on the ears, but still not boo-worthy, that is a sign of greatness.

Now, for me, the music thing doesn’t actually apply, I can play piano a very little bit and I can hardly read music at all. But this is a lesson that transfers easily.

Lately I have been having trouble with my WordPress dashboard. I don’t know what the deal is, but when I go to write an entry, it won’t let me use the setting I like. You may not be familiar with the setup on WordPress, but there are two ways you can write a post, Visual and Text. Visual gives you the normal word document buttons like for bold I for italic and, possibly my favorite button, the hyperlink symbol. Text forces you to use code. It is great for embedding video and stuff like that, but I haven’t done any coding since I was about 13. I don’t like writing in Text mode. It puts me just a little further up the crazy meter than I was that morning and the words don’t flow like they usually do.

If you have read my writing long, you probably have noticed editing is not my strongest weapon in my English arsenal. It’s wright up their whith spelling and grammer. I read the words in my head and the little voice assume they say what I meant for them to say. On more than one occasion Mom has hacked my account and fixed something. as of yet, she has not just outright deleted a post, for this I am thankful.

These are just a couple of the things I have had to overcome to get any writing done these past few weeks. So what kind of writing comes out when my pen gets squeezed? I can’t say that I am exactly proud of what I have written under these conditions, but my stats have not been exactly discouraging either.

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